
Thursday, 21 June 2012

now for the itty bitty details...

The extra touches to an outfit makes it all the more YOUR OWN STYLE.
IT is what makes people turn around and wonder where you got your swag from.

what can be more detailed then your NAIL COLOR? Yeup that is my topic for today. I talked about lipsticks the other day and how it can make you feel like a new person, well I think nail color can do that to you too! It's a cost friendly way to entertain, excite and make your day better, even on those bad-hair days. I feel naked without nail polish!

These days there are arrays of beautiful nail polish colors in a million different brands, so the designs you can do are endless. Pastels being the seasonal color, I decided to use that as a base to do my very first leopard pattern by hand.

It was actually super easy so I thought I'd show you how you can do it too!


blue [essie lapis of luxury]
grey[revlon 820 stormy]
 pastel green [canmake #53] 
now for the steps:

  1. put down the base color (pastel green)
  2. do random asymmetrical dots (blue) - space them out -
  3. take each dot and paint a box around them minus one side (grey)
  4. put dots in the spaces and more 'boxes, minus one side' 
  5. last layer - the top coat. (might I add the essie good to go top coat is amazing!)
  6. VOLA
I know this is an awful picture, it was a last minute idea! please forgive me!!! 

Lemme know what YOUR nail of the week is, and if my tutorial helped! 

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